The behaviour and its influencers in the agrotourism consumer in specialized estate


  • Karina Calderón Instituto Tecnológico Argos
  • David Vinueza Instituto Superior Tecnologico Argos
  • Ricardo Consuegra Instituto Superior Tecnologico Argos



estate, agrotourism, consumer behavior, marketing, influencers, tourism


Organizations and companies worldwide seek in some way to stand out from their direct or indirect competition, investing time and money seeking to be the best offer in front of a sea of ​​potential clients who analyze the different proposals that fit their needs and desires. However, for all the information provided to the market as advertising to meet the desired objectives, it is necessary to know the consumer of the product, their tastes and preferences, and what motivates them to acquire it. For this topic, the Hacienda San Rafael, in the province of Guayas, will be taken as a reference. The site is made up of an Agrotourism Park where various activities are offered at the country level, hospitality and sports. For this reason, it has been necessary to know who really wants to enjoy these agrotourism services and to know what encourages them to acquire the product. The main objective of the research is to know the profile of behavior and influencers of the agrotourism consumer, taking as reference the Hacienda San Rafael as a case study and reference to the other haciendas in the province of Guayas for being the largest and most representative of his medium. A qualitative methodology was used through an in-depth and quantitative interview through a questionnaire made to the consumers of the farm. With the information collected, it is proposed to read and analyze it by similar business owners for the timely optimization of resources directed to the advertising of their agrotourism businesses.


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How to Cite

Calderón, K., Vinueza, D., & Consuegra, R. (2023). The behaviour and its influencers in the agrotourism consumer in specialized estate. Contribuciones a La Economía, 21(3), 33–45.


