Marketers of the Altos Sur the Jalisco México and their relationship with foreign trade




International trade, goods, Altos Sur region of Jalisco, imports, exports, marketers


Economic activity constitutes the fundamental axis of social life. Currently, some trends are manifested through negotiations, making it seem that everything revolves around trade, initially, from its most domestic form, to tie with global trends, where we can identify the access we have to other forms of exchange. goods, products and services, through an economic consideration. This process is established as an integral system, in which it is necessary as an object of study, to make a description of the main activities that relate to international trade, with the commercial dynamism that is produced from this area of ​​Mexico, having to identify one of its commercial organizations, which we also call marketers, duly constituted as mercantile companies, through a sample of the last eight years, counted from June 2014, and up to June two thousand and twenty-two. Giving an account of the international marketing of one of the regions of Mexico, considered one of the most productive, that of the Altos Sur, in the state of Jalisco, making it clear through a descriptive analysis, with a mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative. , the degree of importance that imports and exports of merchandise have reached from the impact zone, being able to identify that there is a commercial link of the merchandise with other nations, and that there is increasing strengthening due to its impact with the market between countries , indicating how the Region of study contributes to international trade.


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How to Cite

De la Torre Barba, S., Gómez González, M. T., Baltazar Díaz, E. G., Valdez Ocegueda, M. S., & Medina González, M. G. (2023). Marketers of the Altos Sur the Jalisco México and their relationship with foreign trade. Contribuciones a La Economía, 21(2), 58–74.


