Agricultural solution: contributions as support in the technical advice of the cocoa cultivation


  • Gloria Patricia Chávez Granizo Universidad Agraria del Ecuador
  • Mayra Gabriela Naspud Espinoza Universidad Agraria del Ecuador
  • Jessica Digna Orozco Holguín Universidad Agraria del Ecuador
  • Yandry Fabian Vera Bravo Universidad Agraria del Ecuador



Technical advice, cocoa cultivation, information management, agricultural advisory system


The present study was carried out with the purpose of showing the contributions that agricultural solutions provide in the process of technical advice for the cultivation of cocoa in the specific case of the company AGROKIM S.A., it also highlights that the agricultural solution used in the company allows the comprehensive management of customer data and agricultural inputs, access information on crop management, estimate the cost of agricultural inputs, send technical advisory reports; It also has a communication channel between the client and the agricultural technician. He studied opt for the collection of information the use of interview and survey allowing to know the process of technical advice. The BPM methodology was used, which allowed us to understand the technical advisory process and propose the redesign of the process with the implementation of the web system, in addition, the XP methodology was used, applying all its phases from the analysis, through design, development, testing and implementation of the system that allowed the automation of technical advisory processes such as data management; crop monitoring and a communication channel between agronomist-client.


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How to Cite

Chávez Granizo, G. P., Naspud Espinoza, M. G., Orozco Holguín, J. D., & Vera Bravo, Y. F. (2023). Agricultural solution: contributions as support in the technical advice of the cocoa cultivation. Contribuciones a La Economía, 21(2), 16–27.


