The rapist is you. Rotten society, scientific dictatorship, Modern School, pedagogical principles... and a journal

Antonio Nadal Masegosa

Universidad de Málaga


…our punishment is the violence that you don't see… they are the cops, the judges, the state, the president. The oppressive State is a male rapist. Thousands of women, in December 2019, in different parts of the world, came together and recorded to interpret the song and choreography of the Chilean group Las Tesis called A rapist in your way. In Iran, Mahsa Amini, 22, was murdered by the police in a police station for wearing the veil incorrectly, in September 2022. Said of a person, an institution, or society, to be rotten is to find oneself corrupted or dominated for immorality. In Barcelona, from 1901 to 1906, there was the Modern School, a propaganda for the fact in which childhood and the world itself had to be taught who are guilty of the violence that you do not see, and his founder, in prison, would write it in a book, before being killed by the Spanish State. In 2008, a group from San Juan, Puerto Rico, sang to us that the scientific dictatorship had just begun. Is it possible to relate all of the above in a paper of a journal, and that both are useful as a few more sparks that generate any social revolution? What if we build a world without criminals or devastated peoples, with an education free from the clutches of capitalism and its allies, and with people who practice mutual aid, self-management, ecology and critical science at the service of the earth and the animals, humans and non-humans?

Keywords: Science, social sciences, corruption, cultural crisis, moral crisis, education, history of education, women, scientific journals, educational theory.

El violador eres tú. Sociedad podrida, dictadura científica, Escuela Moderna, principios pedagógicos... y una revista


…nosso castigo é a violência que você não vê… é a polícia, os juízes, o estado, o presidente. O Estado opressor é um estuprador masculino. Milhares de mulheres, em dezembro de 2019, em diferentes partes do mundo, se reuniram e gravaram para interpretar a música e a coreografia do grupo chileno As teses chamadas Um estuprador em seu caminho. No Irã, Mahsa Amini, 22, foi assassinada pela polícia em uma delegacia por usar o véu incorretamente, em setembro de 2022. Diz-se que uma pessoa, uma instituição ou uma sociedade, ser podre é encontrar-se corrompida ou dominada pela imoralidade. . Em Barcelona, ​​de 1901 a 1906, existiu a Escola Moderna, uma propaganda do fato em que se devia ensinar a infância e o próprio mundo os culpados da violência que não se vê, e seu autor, na prisão, ele o escreveria em um livro, antes de ser assassinado pelo Estado espanhol. Em 2008, um grupo de San Juan, Porto Rico, cantou para nós que a ditadura científica estava apenas começando. É possível relatar tudo isso em um artigo de revista, e que ambos servem como mais algumas faíscas que geram qualquer revolução social? E se construíssemos um mundo sem criminosos ou povos devastados, com uma educação livre das garras do capitalismo e seus aliados, e com pessoas que praticam o apoio mútuo, a autogestão, a ecologia e a ciência crítica a serviço da terra? animais, humanos e não humanos?

Palavras-chave: Ciência, ciências sociais, corrupção, crise cultural, crise moral, educação, história da educação, mulheres, publicação científica periódica, teoria educacional.

O estuprador é você. Sociedade podre, ditadura científica, Escola Moderna, princípios pedagógicos... e uma revista


…nuestro castigo es la violencia que no ves… son los pacos, los jueces, el Estado, el presidente. El Estado opresor es un macho violador. Miles de mujeres, en diciembre de 2019, en distintos lugares del mundo, se unían y grababan para interpretar la canción y coreografía del grupo chileno Las Tesis llamada Un violador en tu camino. En Irán, Mahsa Amini, de 22 años, era asesinada por la policía en una comisaría por llevar mal el velo, en septiembre de 2022. Dicho de una persona, de una institución, o de la sociedad, estar podrida es encontrarse corrompida o dominada por la inmoralidad. En Barcelona, de 1901 a 1906, existió la Escuela Moderna, una propaganda por el hecho en la cual debía enseñarse, a la infancia y al mundo en sí, quienes son los culpables de la violencia que no ves, y su autor, en prisión, lo escribiría en un libro, antes de ser asesinado por el Estado español. En 2008, un grupo de San Juan de Puerto Rico nos cantaba que la dictadura científica acababa de empezar. ¿Es posible relacionar todo lo anterior en un artículo de una revista, y que ambos sean útiles como unas chispas más que generen cualquier revolución social? ¿Qué tal si construimos un mundo sin criminales ni pueblos arrasados, con una educación libre de las garras del capitalismo y sus aliados, y con unas gentes que practiquen el apoyo mutuo, la autogestión, la ecología y la ciencia crítica al servicio de la tierra y los animales, humanos y no-humanos? 

Palabras clave: Ciencia, ciencias sociales, corrupción, crisis cultural, crisis moral, educación, historia de la educación, mujer, publicación científica periódica, teoría de la educación.


We are at the biotech prayer breakfast with members of Congress in Washington with the doctor and director of the US National Institutes of Health, pastor of Houston's Thomas Field Baptist Church, and author of Turning Points, a book on his spiritual awakening to the redemptive message of Our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the creator of DNA, those who criticize genetic engineering, and some other related ecological theories, are not Christians, because this engineering uses the tools that the Creator has given us to carry out good works for the planet. If Washington would prevent a certain experiment from taking place, it would take place in Shanghai, Seoul, or Sao Paulo. For this reason, our doctor appears before the Committee of the House of Representatives on Genetics and Health, to convince about the appropriateness of the patent registration allowing the inclusion of human genes. The difference between academic and business research had long ago disappeared. Science has already discovered the genetic basis shared by people who become leaders, the authority gene, and transgenic pets are already on the market. All of the above, written more than a decade ago, is fiction… except for the parts that are not (Crichton, 2009).

Now, we are located in the spring of 2023. A chemist from the University of Córdoba (Spanish State), Rafael Luque, one of the most cited in the world, is suspended from employment and salary for 13 years, for signing his papers as a researcher from other institutions in Russia and Saudi Arabia, places where we already know what is happening with human rights. In the first three months of 2023, Luque had already signed 58 papers, one every 37 hours, having published around 700, all at the age of 44. A court in Santa Cruz de Tenerife sentenced Luque in 2022 for committing a crime against intellectual property, but this did not affect him until December 2022 as a tenured professor in the Department of Organic Chemistry:

“They don't like me because I'm a very prolific scientist and a lot of people like me because they know my worth. They are four envious and mediocre”, he affirms. “I have never felt supported by the University of Córdoba, even though I put it in the Shanghai ranking. Being in the ranking is totally mine” (Ansede, 2023a).

“A professor recruits Spanish scientists with his cover company so that they lie and say that they work in a Saudi university” (Ansede, 2023b). Scientists lying? Fake companies? Without a doubt, it is better that others write and publish this type of data, otherwise we may suffer reprisals... Then we also have those who “will save us”, who of course have “found out everything from the press”: "The Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spanish State will investigate the scientists who sold their prestige to Saudi Arabia"... (Soto, 2023). And if "there are university students with spelling mistakes" (Ortíz, 2021), and they have serious difficulties "finding the academic information they need, who are less competent in looking for information about what they believe, who only use the Google search engine, who do not search for information in English, and research in a non-linear or planned way” (Egaña, 2012)… that, of course, happens in all the universities except the one that hires me, so that no one dares to publish otherwise, or they will suffer the consequences. There is a movie called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

In university pantomime, it is difficult for rebels to come out, it is not enormously complicated to know that it is materially impossible to carry out, scientifically, legally, without plagiarism, with real participation... a study every 37 hours, but it does seem really thorny that they come out to criticize it who have reached where they are precisely because of this corrupt system, given that dismantling the farce in full view of all people makes the fakers fall just as they are. Yes, they paid to publish, in a high number of prestigious publishers (based, for example, on the ranking prepared, in the Spanish State, by only two people from the Higher Council for Scientific Research -CSIC-, and whom he and she decide to "survey", something that nobody seems to be capable of, no longer denounce, but even disseminate, lest the house of cards fall).

Figura 1.

No justice, No peace.

Un letrero de color blanco

Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Fuente: Mathias Reding (2020).

Sure, mediocre teachers are afraid. Some of them cannot go much further than the opinions of the mentor, who put them where they are. They bless whoever is in charge, or the majority opinions. Of course, they will always talk about critical sense, democracy, participation, innovation, science and, of course, impact and prestige. They will talk about inclusion and intersectionality even if they don't know what it is about.

They will always go with the flow. Is slavery behind the technology? It's not their problem. Has teaching spent centuries, in essence, being a tool of the State for its perpetuation? That is very radical. Let's pass a self-perception or sustainability questionnaire. Are there already books/papers written against the deception that is sustainability, the incoherence of the concept, about the unsustainability of capitalism (Escrivá, 2023)? Oh no, my lecturer didn't tell me that, it can't be! Furthermore, whoever says the word capitalism is no longer a scientist.

And, of course, the academic authorities will never refer to The Iberdrola Report. Why green capitalism will not save the world (Mallo, 2022). In fact, when I write this, I receive (better not to cite an exact source -obviously university-, for my own safety... one more reflection of the regime in which we live), with improvable writing, the following:

            Dear researchers,

From the Institute of Engineering of Spain through the University Committee for Training and Business (CUFE-IIE) in the framework of the "FORUM of Technological Collaborations University Business" communicates the participation of ENEL Endesa as a company interested in collaborating with Spanish universities.

ENEL Endesa, a leading company in the energy sector and the world's leading producer of renewable energy, has identified 45 Priority Technological Projects/Lines-LTP in which it is interested in having the technological collaboration of the Spanish University.

These 45 LTPs have the following IDs assigned by Business Lines:

Power Management (15 LTP)

            Renewable energy generation (Hydraulic, Wind, Solar) (25 LTP)

            Electrical distribution networks (5 LTP)

Those Research Groups with experience and interest in any of these 45 ENEL Endesa LTPs can register before May 15 to participate in an Online Conference on Technological Collaboration with ENEL Endesa that will take place on May 16 at 11:30 a.m. through the following link

This conference will discuss how to coordinate and the possible subsequent meetings of each person in charge of the company with the corresponding Research Groups, to exchange more complete information, establish a technological exchange plan around needs, capacities and experience, to then plan the actions to be taken among those who are interested and whose lines conform to the priorities of these technology companies. (Personal communication, April 19, 2023).

Do we link the previous paragraphs with the initial one of this article? Let's remember: The difference between academic and business research had long since disappeared. The university must literally fit in with the priorities of these technology companies, there is no filter in expressing it, for what, everything is tied up and well tied up, as the Spanish dictator Franco said. And if, as a university professor, you dare to question the relationship between technology, capitalism and the destruction of the environment, you could be fired (Soto, 2021), the university is not your place... Or, rather, like when they invited me to leave the Master's Degree in International Cooperation Management and the NGOs that I studied... Are not those who manage the research and science institutions the ones who would have to leave, since they are only at the service of capital? Either we take the place that corresponds to us who have ethics, self-management, ecology, and the end of a criminal and terrorist system as principles... or we are lost.

The option of following the image of the monkey that covers itself so as not to see, not hear, and not speak, is the best option for being a teacher, currently, in my opinion. I will never forget when a vice dean, quoting I don't know who, stated that a chair enrolls in a career related to education, and obtains the degree. But the courage to publish it is something else. You just have to look at the percentages of passes in the faculties of education, and in the master's degrees for secondary school teachers, baccalaureate, vocational training and languages. And, it is that, as a result, in these studies, a building, or an industry, cannot collapse, or a patient die, there will be no criminal responsibility for creating lousy teachers. But if students are taught to be as useless as non-real-world classes, memory tests, or State/capitalism curricula, the system is fine. The hidden curriculum always wins, such as banking, casinos and betting rooms, businessmen or the political class, and the social parameters of academic capitalism and its moral engineering (Ramírez, 2022).

It is in this dystopian context -with the constant possibility of getting worse- in which we find ourselves, where some sparks keep us with a tiny halo of hope, perhaps utopia, because the world of the Black Mirror television series is already here. Some Chileans, some Puerto Ricans, some demonstrations in countries where the mere fact of being a woman and not wearing a hijab can imply that you could be tortured and murdered, an educational experience from more than a century ago... they make us take oxygen before those who would call us anything that the system says to call us; not so long ago they made fashionable, through the mass media and antisocial networks, the concept of deniers; it was, previously, perhaps, anti-system, radical, utopian... and if you want to go to the practice of a new world, why not, terrorists, as happened to Aaron Swartz, before he was incited to commit suicide (Wu, 2013), or to Ferrer Guardia, not only before, but also after the Spanish State assassinated him after condemning him to death penalty.

In the latter case, even a professor of contemporary history went back almost 20 years before he was born, to 1909, to write that, during the events of the Tragic Week in Barcelona, Ferrer "was seen carrying cans of gasoline and encouraging the groups, without it being possible to demonstrate, however, that he was the maximum instigator” (Comellas, 1998, p. 334). Other professors can happily write an epigraph for a book called "Ferrer and his women" (Avilés, 2006). Unamuno had no problem in affirming that Ferrer was a cold madman, ignorant fanatic, imbecile and evil, or the "presumed eminence priest Manjón" -and not an eminence in persecution of centuries of pedophilia-, in calling him "true criminal, exalted Freemason, true author of the frustrated regicide on the day of the king's wedding and of the burning of churches and schools in Barcelona, swindler, bad father, bad husband and bad person” (Cappelletti, 2012, p. 125).


The emeritus Spanish king Juan Carlos de Borbón said in the mid-1990s that Spanish society is a society that encourages the creation and free expression of ideas, within a political framework that allows all voices to be heard. This speech was followed by logical laughter in response, as an introduction, in the video of a song in which the lyrics are explicit: “What are the objectives? The mansions of the rich, the banks, luxury stores, and the party headquarters” (TheBeerpriest, 2012). Today, this is unthinkable to read in any kind of scientific article, and hardly even in a song by a group playing live.

The Spanish state is a country where puppeteers can go to jail (Nerín, 2016), prison even with the support of the leftist party Podemos (Cordero, 2016), and where the media can accuse you of sympathizing with terrorism, without that false accusation being considered as a crime (Esteban, 2016); where a rapper can be sentenced for the lyrics of his songs (Torrús, 2018), despite the fact that the person who commissioned the song that led him into exile was the Vice President of Spain (Fernández, 2020).

In a court order, Baltasar Garzón, when he was still a judge, pointed to 35 senior Francoist officials as responsible for the crimes of the Spanish National-Catholic dictatorship; On May 27, 2009, the Supreme Court admitted for processing the complaint for prevarication filed against the judge by the far-right union Manos Limpias, and although he was acquitted in 2012, Garzón would not serve as a judge again and Francoism would go unpunished as today, since previously the General Council of the Spanish Judiciary expelled him from the judicial career, after having been sentenced to eleven years of disqualification in the trial that followed him for having ordered illegal wiretapping (EFE, 2012): Curiously, he -who was prosecuting the right-wing Popular Party (PP)- was the first convicted in the corruption scheme that has plagued the PP for years (Santacecilia, 2012).

We can speak of qualitative methodology (Taylor and Bogdan, 2002), of virtual ethnography (Hine, 2004, 2017), of even going against the method and of the need for a much more complex explanation of scientific knowledge than the one that had emerged from positivism and similar philosophies (Feyerabend, 2020), of how to defend society from science (Feyerabend, 2001)... But why does the issue of power occupy a central place in Foucault's thought (2012), while today science, from my point of view, is absolutely submissive to authority, multinationals, and the most capitalist ideology that has ever existed?

A small part of the students of a subject that I teach, History of Schooling, stated in individual, anonymous comments, in the teacher evaluation survey, academic year 2022/2023: "he always relates everything to political issues", "he always criticizes schools because they indoctrinate”, “should stick to giving only historical facts, without excessively expressing their opinion” (Personal communication, April 19, 2023). My score on these surveys is always below average. However, one of the students of that subject, uploaded a forceful writing to the forum of the same, titled Dear university student: We are deceiving you. What it expresses, a reality that almost nobody publishes:

The level of the essays and presentations of the university students would not exceed, for the most part, the standards of the Christmas theater of primary school. But that, for us, is more than enough to give it a pass.

Thus we fulfill the contract-program, the department is happy, the university is happy, our students pass, they think they know something and they are happy, and we languish before the sad reality.

… These points are just the tip of the iceberg. Teachers are fed up with training in multi-diverse teaching techniques and exotic skills to motivate students. What is clear is that if you, student, are not interested, I cannot plant it with you. But I can make you believe you're worth it, even if I know it's a lie. I have become an expert in doing it because the system demands it of me and I comply. And I pray that this only happens to me, and only where I work, but it doesn't happen in Medicine or Civil Engineering, especially when I cross a bridge or, God forbid, I'm on an surgery table.

…However, my teaching evaluations are very good and I have published them. But I am not an exception. When I talk to colleagues, they agree with my vision. Writing this is risky and it is more comfortable to keep quiet and teach. (Arias-Aranda, 2022).

Such an extensive textual quote would probably mean that this article would not be approved in a high-impact journal, that the point of methodology would not conform to the pride of the method used -obviously, infallible, seamless-, surely, would have the same result, and it would be even worse not assuming a self-proclaimed deideologized quantitative methodology, governed by the statistical program SPSS, and by the pathetic questionnaires validated by I don't know who... it would imply a very poor assessment. Any researcher knows that what is very deficient in a journal will end up being published in another journal, or in an international conference, upon payment.

Previously published articles, after changing names and university origins, and without plagiarism being appreciated, were sent shortly after their publication, and rejected (Carroll, 2018), or various false, ridiculous studies published in high-impact accredited academic journals ( Schuessler, 2018)... it can help us understand various methodological issues.

We may not have a life to evaluate papers, we may receive a letter saying that whoever conducted qualitative research for two years in a remote region, and we may even receive interviews and observation records made by artificial intelligence, some say the well-known ChatGPT he is funny, but not an author (Holden, 2023). How could we deal with all of that?

In quantitative -and qualitative- research, those who respond have the possibility of flagrantly lying... but these are issues that are not included in the agenda. The answers are answers, they are entered into the computer program, then statistical processes are carried out, uncritical conclusions are made, and that's it, let´s publish. Filling the "black box" of behaviorists with something real (Quezada, 2013) still seems as complicated as making certain "researchers" see that passing questionnaires and Likert scales may be completely useless. As may be the case of making observations, participatory or not, of those who do not see beyond what their eyes see, or interviews that do not contribute anything, as long as those observed and interviewed are not offended: approve the final report, and there is no real questioning of anything. If the article has been published by a journal that the multinationals Clarivate or Elsevier have placed at the top of their rankings, the academic authorities will not question anything... since, too often, they are part of all that, since they manage these journals, although we do not imagine evaluating, precisely, hundreds of articles.

There are journals that pride themselves on 85, 90, or 95% article rejection rates. If it were not for the scam of multinationals, universities and States, which end up paying fortunes to the aforementioned corporations (Nadal, 2023), no one would read those publications that contribute absolutely nothing, which demonstrates, for example, the non-existence of a correlation between what is written and educational policies, and even more, between what is written and what happens in the classrooms of schools, high schools and universities.

Let us advance by those truly emancipatory methodologies, and let us once and for all stop ignoring power, the State, capital, the ideological, bureaucratic, repressive apparatuses... Of course, we are going to have to continue publishing in journals that we would not even know about -as in tourism, construction or any other industry, we have to do things we don't want, as working class-, if it weren't for the injustices of the evaluation criteria by States, universities, faculties and departments, based on pathetic rankings, related to citations, and we even need to be cited in said publications, but living in a dictatorship does not imply assuming it, since it can be fought, even if this does not imply recognition or awards from academic hierarchies, obviously. It is possible to fight from outside or from within. This time, we are inside.


We are in such a regime that we have to cover our eyes to be able to sing that the "State is a judge that judges us for being born, all cops are bastards (ACAB)" (Colectivo Registro Callejero, 2019). In fact, the song by Las Tesis was so successful that there was a "complaint at the Prosecutor's Office filed by the Chilean Police against their collective, holding them responsible for acts of violence that occurred in the context of the social outbreak... direct violence with firearms against Chilean police officers in the commune of La Granja” (Oriente and Benavente, 2020, p. 331-332).

The complaint was "against Sibila Sotomayor, Daffne Valdés, Paula Cometa and Lea Cáceres for the publication of a video against police violence "Manifesto Against Police Violence", recorded together with members of the Russian feminist punk group Pussy Riot" (Freixas, 2021), although we also find that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), and specifically the IACHR's Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, declared that "said criminal proceedings could lead to the criminalization of artistic expressions and protests protected by for the right to freedom of expression. The police complaint specifically mentions the "performance" called "A rapist in my way" (EFE, 2020).

The fight of these brave women was not in vain, as no fight should be: "Included by Time in its list of the 100 most influential people of 2020, the artists also called for "public resources to be invested in fighting against impunity for sexual abusers, rapists and feminicides"” (EFE, 2021). A court in Valparaíso filed the open case against Las Tesis at the beginning of 2021. Did the cops lose a new repressive opportunity?

Las Tesis, however, did not invent the wheel, history is full of examples of this. Certain music and lyrics were always an expression of rebellion and/or struggle, for example, in the case of the Spanish State, before suffering more than three decades of National-Catholic dictatorship, they sang:

If the priests and friars knew

the beating they are going to give them

they would go up to the choir singing

“freedom, freedom, freedom.”


If the Kings of Spain knew

how little they will last,

they would go out into the street shouting:

"Freedom, freedom, freedom!" (Pineiro, 2005, p. 140).

To cite other examples, in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tomé and Príncipe, during the 70s, there was also music to awaken social consciousness, after the alleged independence processes of these territories, addressing political issues and social focused on liberation (Martínez, 2022).

This investigation is not accidental, since Un violador en tu camino (a rapist in your way) was going to be represented at the university, but due to the social outbreak that occurred in 2019, this could not be the case, and

it represented one of the emblematic manifestations of the popular uprising against the government of Sebastián Piñera and against the Chilean socio-economic model. It is important to remember that Chile is the country of "Latin American neoliberal success." On the one hand, it presents itself as a modernized liberal nation, with its burgeoning bourgeoisie, vigorous trade relations with the United States, and a whitewashed nationalism that glorifies itself for its European airs. On the other, social inequalities, precarious employment and the lack of public services is the reality of the majority of the population.

The trans-Andean neoliberal model is the product of a State that is heir not only to its colonial structures and relations, but also to one of the cruelest and longest-lasting dictatorships in the region: the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990). This regime laid the foundations for the neoliberal project in the country, a project that the democratic coalition has been able to maintain for the last 30 years. Since then, the “Chilean success” has been based on the dividends of a strategic primary resource: copper; in the "hard hand" of its military police: the carabineros; in its liberal-conservative hegemony, concentrated in a few families that own businesses and lands and in the "self-regulated freedom of the market", which feeds the coffers of a few, while condemning the majority of the population, not by chance the majority descendants of indigenous people, to the deprivation of basic rights such as housing, education and health. (Carranza et al., 2021, p. 6).

In another context of this world, victim of globalization, on September 16, 2022, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman named Mahsa Jina Amini died after being tortured by the "orientation patrol" of the Islamic Republic of Iran ( Gasht-e ershad), better known as the nefarious morality police. The images of the flaccid and lifeless body of the young woman spread like wildfire on the internet and social networks. Unlike so many other police tortures and killings, Amini's death sparked widespread protests that began in her hometown of Saqqez in Kurdistan (the place of one of many hidden occupation wars) and quickly spread to Tehran and large swaths from the country. Women protesting for their basic human and civil rights are not new to contemporary Iran. However, the visible role of women at the forefront of national protests, and courageous acts of civil resistance, in direct confrontation with the Islamic Republic's repressive-police apparatus, left much of the world mesmerized, at least for the time that the mass media decided to broadcast the struggles, also recorded and broadcast, courageously, by so many women, and men, in their support. According to a data-driven analysis, between September 16 and November 11, 2022, at least 1,158 of 1,265 protests were led by women (Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, 2023).

Is it possible today to research and publish the harsh reality of women in Muslim countries, the status of female inferiority in the Islamic system (Gómez, 2019)? Is it possible to support a feminism that is not subsidized and, with it, controlled? Difficult to read these kinds of statements, but not impossible:

As in all areas, after all, you are a woman who wants to get rid of the patriarchal and retrograde chains that religions have placed on you, and that requires being a brave woman. Courage in women, as we can see in different emancipation movements throughout history, has always been frowned upon. This is how it is in the realm of religions: they accuse you of being a prostitute, a bad woman, a bad mother, a bad daughter, a bad sister, because the good woman in religions is the one who remains silent and remains, the one who bows her head and obey. This has always been the case in all religions, at least the Abrahamic ones. If Eve was able to change Adam's mind to eat the apple from the forbidden tree, just imagine what hundreds and hundreds of Eves can do. It would be the end. I think the clergy are afraid of us because they see the collapse of their misogynist doctrines reflected in our strength. (Soto, 2020).

Who, very much in line with the above, writes and publishes today about the criminal history of Christianity (Deschner, 1990)? And about the fundamental lies of the Catholic Church (Rodríguez, 1997)? And about the prodigious adventure of Opus Dei (Ynfante, 1970)? And what about casino socialism, the anemic left and faltering trade unionism (Taibo, 2011)? Will we be able to disseminate everything related to sick medicine (Blech, 2007) and genetic impostors (Jordan, 2001)?

The reality is that Coca-Cola paid 8 million euros to influence science in France (Horel, 2019), and that it refreshed Spanish doctors and scientific studies with 12 million: the Diabetes Foundation, the Spanish Heart Foundation, chaired by the Infanta Margarita de Borbón (aunt of King Felipe VI), the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) received money from the multinational... (20minutos, 2016; Yagüe , 2016).

With the power of brands (Klein, 2011), deontological codes, ethics, and morals, go to landfills... to those that surround cities, with no other solution than to pile garbage without any ecological criteria... or did not the universities become veritable intellectual dumps long ago?

With millions of euros at stake, its beneficiaries and managers will never open their mouths to question the university chairs sold to dirty business interests: another form of greenwashing (Galindo, 2020), or the academic whitewashing of the energy lobby (Franco, 2023) will always be a fact.

When there are more than 200 cases of Spanish university corruption published (Asociación para la Transparencia en la Universidad, 2014), when an advisory association for young researchers -following the values of the European Code of Conduct for Integrity in Research- disseminates often cases of this today (Oficina Española de Integridad en la Investigación, 2023), my research, too, does not invent the wheel: Science rots (Méndez, 2023), as well as the society that obeys it. The research novelty is having a publication that tries to create, configure, consolidate and involve the largest possible number of human beings in a science and a coherent social organization with values that go beyond compliance with Human Rights... when these are not even are really fulfilled.

The university world is governed by the absolute illogicality of the impact factors (Delgado-López-Cózar and Martín-Martín, 2019; Feenstra and Delgado, 2022), the compulsive publication of papers (Ioannidis et al, 2018) to achieve/maintain or ascend in teaching, the urgent need to enter "quotation farms", where scientific ethics are transformed into beings who agree to quote each other... (Ioannidis et al, 2019).

We have to resort, not to a great scientific eminence (we already see who elevates them on too many occasions: the system they help to perpetuate... Rome does not pay traitors), but to the Puerto Ricans Darío Constaín Reyes and Fernando Castro Álvarez, creators and members of Los Niños Estelares, and their theme The Scientific Dictatorship (Coleto, 2021):

The contemporary age, my friends, is not the age of the atomic bomb. The contemporary age is the age of the scientific barbarian.

…the Nazis didn't lose the war (paperclip), they just moved from Europe to America, and Uncle Sam took them over, gave them work and encouraged them to keep coming up with ways to moderate us. They want to make you an enemy of the land.

…Russell's perspective is already reality. The scientific dictatorship has just begun. The final dictatorship has just been established. World government, population reduction, new world order, new feudal age.

…Facebook is your digital folder, say goodbye to your privacy, cameras here, cameras there, cameras in front, cameras in back, conspiratorial threats, orchestrated pandemics, not so natural disasters (HAARP), in artificial markets.

…On a planet with powerless nations. Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, Chatham House and the CFR, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve, Bilderberg and the United Nations, they all love globalist ideas: European Union, African Union, Pacific Union, American Union. In the north as in the south, NAFTA on steroids and UNASUR. Your slavery is being consolidated. Techno-vassalage for the crowd. Everything will be instantaneous, there will be no slowness. Just a happy world and a race without virtue. You are abdicating your freedom in exchange for idiocy and digital subsistence, in exchange for fear in a world regime, in exchange for merchandise and "singularity"... (Ninostelares, 2018).

The content of this song could be used for doctoral theses, but this is not appropriate, since it would remove the foundations of the system, such as informing, remembering, or disseminating what the song mentions, Operation Paperclip: after World War II, the United States Military and Intelligence Service organized to remove numerous scientists from Germany, including, to cite a single public and to some extent known example, Von Braun (Ierardo, 2016):

On March 9, 1955, some 42 million Americans - which at the time was about a quarter of the population of that country - tuned in to their television to watch a new Disney series.

It didn't show dancing mice or princesses in danger.

The Man in Space show featured a warm and charming rocket engineer offering his vision for the future of cosmic exploration.

Surrounded by models of rockets and futuristic scenes, Wernher von Braun addressed the viewer and explained how in 10 years it was possible to have a rocket to carry passengers.

…Von Braun had led the development of Hitler's V2 rockets; ballistic missiles made with slave labor and targeting civilians across Europe” (Hollingham, 2015).

And the end of this puzzle is as modern as it is ancient, it is a school that they only allowed five academic years to exist: the Modern School of Francisco Ferrer Guardia. It is not, nor was it, nor will it be the miracle that would save everything, neither then, nor now, nor in the future. But it did point out (as women and men have done before), a series of pedagogical, idealistic, revolutionary and anarchist principles.

In a deplorable historical context, and with a rich life after receiving an inheritance, instead of leading a happy existence, Ferrer took a risk, not only creating a school, but also a publishing house, and trying to bring together all available critical science, and disseminate as far as possible (Nadal, 2018):

I don't understand life without propaganda. Wherever I am, on the street, in the cafe, on the train, with whoever I am, I have to propagate something. I have exposed myself to outbursts, and I have felt them. But I can't change, that is, I don't want to change. I prefer to seem indiscreet than to silence a word or an observation that seems useful to make people reflect... Religion and politics are my battle horses. (Dommanget, 1972, 388).

According to Ferrer, there would be no hidden curriculum in his school, and the evils of society would be pointed out, that is, those who maintain and perpetuate the regime that makes us continue in slavery and injustice: property, authority, religion, militarism, judiciary, politics, patriotism, labor exploitation... (Ferrer, 2009).

Ferrer Guardia was assassinated by the Spanish State. The life and work of Teresa Mañé deserves much more than what is published and disseminated today, being a true reference of a feminism that does not advocate a presumed equality, but rather the authentic emancipation and liberation of women, within a world that has nothing to do with the world where we live now (Pecharroman, 2018; Puente, 2019).

Finishing this investigation, I discover that for Aaron Swartz, the same video that I have shown to students in class more than once, had a great impact: Manufacturing Consensus, by Noam Chomsky (Wayka, 2017). At the age of 19 (apart from everything he did for an internet and free knowledge), he already contributed more than a large part of the university teaching staff subjected to the dictates of capital:

Every time I saw a newspaper, a journal or a person on television, I questioned what I thought I knew about them, wondered how they would fit into this new image. Questions that had puzzled me for years suddenly began to make sense in this new world. I reconsidered everyone I knew, everything I thought I had learned. And I found that I did not have much company.

…Since then, I've realized that I need to spend my life working to fix the shocking breakup I discovered. And the best way to do that, I concluded, was to try to share what I had discovered with others. I couldn't tell him bluntly, I knew, so I had to provide hard evidence. (Swartz, 2016, p. 195).

Let's learn from so many women and so many men who, anonymous or known, have tried to change this depressing, criminal, polluted and ignorant world that surrounds us. And let's get going, without any need for vanguards or saviors.


Creating a journal is not exactly a social revolution, nor is it something new in history, nor will it bring down the foundations of capitalism. It is a simple grain of sand, but important, since we want to be part of all those publications, publishers, individuals and organizations that want total liberation.

What if we build a world without criminals or devastated peoples, with an education free from the clutches of capitalism and its allies, and with people who practice mutual aid, self-management, ecology and critical science at the service of the earth and the animals, humans and non-humans? This was not only written in the abstract of this article, but it is written even more than a hundred years ago, by women and men.

In our world history, past, present, and hopefully future, there are those who say Non serviam, or what is the same, I will not serve, to this criminal system that surrounds us, and that tries to make us subjects. Even if they try to isolate us, those of us who do not believe this farce are not alone, and just like in the series The Handmaid's Tale, its protagonist goes from normality to rebellion, so it was in very different parts of the planet, or in the case of the Argentine Soledad Rosas in Italy (Caparrós, 2003).

Let's make it possible to publish the truth, to act. Yes, the media hide the world, they are information traffickers (Serrano, 2009, 2010), psychology can be anything from a scientific myth (Deleule, 1972) to one of the bases of the MKultra atrocity (Sánchez et al., 2012), and it is even possible to remain firm against peace, against democracy (García, 1994), like the lies that they are, in this absolute Gomorrah (Saviano, 2014) in which we live, even though the majority of the population suffers precariousness and miseries do not know/can/want to see it, and a large part of the youth dreams are being a millionaire being youtubers or tiktokers (Illescas, 2019).

We will build hopes and illusions collectively, without leaders bought or sold to the system, if this is even possible. Dystopia or utopia, at the barricade, you can only be on one side... or you will burn. We welcome all those who wish to make their dreams of freedom a reality. Critical research and social change towards something much better will depend on everyone. Let's organize for it. And fight.


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