Environmental management and agroecological gardens in urban territories
Agroecological gardens, environmental management, food security, socioeconomic developmentAbstract
The purpose of this article is to explain the how and why of agroecological gardens, in particular, their importance in the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development of urban territories. It is based on environmental management, integrating in prospective the concept of ecosystem services and the fulfillment of the SDGs. The urban agroecological gardens are in line with the Zero Hunger and Climate Action Goals. The methodology adopted was based on a qualitative, reflexive and descriptive approach. A bibliographic review was made in databases, especially institutional databases of the ITM, based on the descriptors environmental management, urban and agroecological gardens, ecosystem services, SDGs and global warming. The systematization was carried out using technological tools such as Vosviewer software, Google Trends and the implementation of the corresponding search equations, which allow the identification of theoretical references that serve as a basis for the discussion in this paper. It is specified that the text corresponds in part to a bibliographic review that opens the possibility of analyzing and reflecting on current issues, which generate high impact phenomena. As a result, there is currently great interest in ecosystem services, their articulation with the SDGs, especially with food security, recognizing that Colombia has great biodiversity, topography and water wealth. For discussion purposes, it is discussed whether the creation of agroecological gardens offers the possibility of including healthy food in communities and contributing to the economy of families by marketing harvest surpluses.
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