Violent cities:

Study on the urban planning of the La Chana neighborhood in Granada




Quartered cities, symbolic violence, structural violence, social exclusion, individualism, ghettoisation


This study aims to address aspects of the neighbourhood of La Chana in Granada from the point of view of social exclusion due to the isolation generated by the so-called Ciudades cuarteadas or quartered cities. This subject is approached from the perspective of the symbolic and structural violence that is generated because of the architectural layout of cities. In this sense, we obtain a vision of how the neighbourhood of La Chana is excluded from the rest of the city of Granada due to the delimitation of the physical space generated by the railway network that surrounds the neighbourhood. Through the Basic Indicators of Urban Vulnerability (IBVU), and the complementation with graphic information on the social reality of the neighbourhood structure, it is observed that in the neighbourhood of La Chana the levels of vulnerability have decreased in a general way with respect to 2001 but are still high in 2011. On the other hand, a process of ghettoisation of the neighbourhood is observed due to its poor accessibility, which causes a situation of social exclusion due to the existence of physical and symbolic walls in the neighbourhood. Finally, it is concluded that the theory of quartered cities can have practical applications, showing symbolic barriers and structural violence that arise because of the structuring of physical space.


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