Past, present and future of port systems:

a reflection and 15 thesis




Maritime transport, Ports, International trends, Alternative energies, Port Sustainability


This article is based on the consideration of the secular importance of maritime transport as a vehicle for economic development: currently 90% of world trade is carried out by this route, and the role of ports is transcendental for this purpose. The research sets out its objective, in advance, an exhaustive and evolutionary analysis of the functions of port systems; its role in international exchanges, the competition of ports and port territories, efficiency and performance parameters and inter-port relations. The subsequent analysis is integrated into the formulation of a series of theses based on future trends and alternatives in the development of ports, including their role as global positioning factors of the cities in which they are integrated, to conclude with a series of conclusions and considerations on the strategies that should be carried out in port systems and, especially, their role in the generation of alternative energies and in the fight against climate change.


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