Direct foreign investment in tourism in the Dominican Republic.

An analysis of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats


  • Meilyn Estela Campusano Polanco Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago
  • Elizabeth Cuello Díaz Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago
  • Cándida María Domínguez Valerio Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago
  • Francisco Orgaz Agüera Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago



Foreign direct investment, tourism, development, business, Dominican Republic


This study analyzes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in tourism in the Dominican Republic. A mixed methodology was used that included literature review and focus groups with experts. Government and private reports were analyzed to understand current trends and focus groups were convened to discuss and validate the findings. The results show that FDI in tourism stands out for its contribution to Dominican economic development, contributing $7,673 million dollars between 2012 and 2022. The identified strengths include a strategic location, robust infrastructure, and favorable business climate. Emerging opportunities are related to the diversification of tourism offers and increased connectivity. However, dependence on tourism and job training gaps present challenges. Furthermore, threats such as regional competition and environmental impacts were also highlighted. In conclusion, it is highlighted that FDI in tourism is fundamental for the Dominican economy, but policies are required that promote the diversification and sustainability of the sector. It is suggested to improve infrastructure and job training to enhance tourism and its impact on GDP. The study highlights the need for a clear legal framework and the importance of tax incentives to attract more investments.


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How to Cite

Campusano Polanco, M. E., Cuello Díaz, E., Domínguez Valerio, C. M., & Orgaz Agüera, F. (2024). Direct foreign investment in tourism in the Dominican Republic. : An analysis of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. TURYDES Turismo Y Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 17(36), 28–40.


