Sustainable tourism in high mountain tropical rivers:

A focus on the Suárez River in Barbosa, Piedra de Pato sector, Santander, Colombia




High Mountain, tropical rivers, sustainable tourism


Background: Tropical rivers harbor unparalleled biodiversity, serving as home to a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial species. However, these vital basins are under increasing threat due to deforestation, pollution, and overexploitation of resources. Objective: To share the theme of sustainable tourism in high mountain tropical rivers, focusing on the case of the Suárez River in Barbosa, Santander, Piedra de Pato sector, in order to identify strategies for the sustainable development of this activity. Methodology: For the development of this initiative, a methodology characterized by a qualitative and descriptive approach was used, including a bibliographic compilation on the study topic. Results: Sustainable tourism emerges as a powerful tool for the protection of tropical rivers and the promotion of local development. Implications: The potential of sustainable tourism for biodiversity conservation in tropical rivers should be recognized, highlighting key strategies for successful implementation. Conclusion: In order to achieve sustainable tourism in the Suárez River, Piedra Pato sector, strategies are needed such as protecting the ecosystem, generating local benefits, implementing zoning, minimizing environmental impact, educating visitors, and promoting local socioeconomic development.


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How to Cite

Castillo Galeano, A. R., Rodriguez Miranda, J. P., Gómez Aguilar, D. L., & Castro Garzón, H. (2024). Sustainable tourism in high mountain tropical rivers:: A focus on the Suárez River in Barbosa, Piedra de Pato sector, Santander, Colombia. TURYDES Turismo Y Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 17(36), 88–103.


