Experience Design and Management





Experience design, Experience Management, Design Thinking, Product Development, Hospitality Industry


The following paper reviews the literature and presents case studies on the construction of unforgettable experiences in the search for a competitive advantage in the hospitality, leisure and entertainment industries. Methodologically, an analysis of the existing bibliography is carried out, contextualizing it with observations made in the field. Initially, the objective is to identify in the existing literature good experience design and management practices and the elements that build the perfect experience. Secondly, case studies are carried out in order to discover whether this literature has been applied and with what results. The results found show that many companies continue to ignore the importance of experience design and management, even though there are a few success stories.


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How to Cite

de Melo Rodrigues, P., & Hanson Costa, D. (2024). Experience Design and Management. TURYDES Turismo Y Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 17(36), 41–75. https://doi.org/10.51896/turydes.v17i36.460


