Family remittances between the Dominican Republic and Haiti:
A comparative analysis: 2010 - 2023
Conflict, Remittances, migration, emigration, immigration, currencies, Gross Domestic Product, Border, inflation, DevaluationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the behavior of family remittances received and sent by/from the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti, during the period 2010-2023, highlighting the differences and similarities of both monetary flows in terms of origin. use, relative participation in foreign exchange earnings and the Gross Domestic Product of both economies. To achieve these purposes, an extensive documentary review of studies, articles, reports published by different authors, national and international organizations that address trade and migration issues was carried out, as well as the use of quantitative analysis for the interpretation of the data that They allowed us to clearly establish the convergences and divergences of the unilateral net transfers received and sent by residents abroad of both nations. Similar behaviors are confirmed that both economies show a fairly dynamic growing flow of unilateral net transfers to low-income families, which originally come from the United States of America. They are recipients of remittances from more advanced nations, with a fairly significant weight in the Gross Domestic Product (16% of GDP in 2023) on the Haitian side, while in the Dominican nation they were less than 2%. It is identified that while in the Dominican Republic families give various uses to these remittances, in Haiti they are destined mainly for Consumption and Haiti remains the main recipient of remittances sent by the Dominican Republic abroad (72%), but only Haiti sends remittances to the first (1.3%).
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