Contribution of baracoenses plastic artists in the conformation of cultural identity Baracoa municipality




Cultural identity, formation of cultural identity, formation of values, artistic signs, pictorial discourse


The conception of plastic production as a production that reflects from the symbolic and communicative, the intention of preserving identity values ​​acquires sociocultural nuances not always considered. Reflection on this topic suggests questions that were not asked before. Among these questions is the following: How have Baracoa plastic artists contributed to the configuration of cultural identity in the Baracoa municipality? A qualitative methodology was used, based on the review of bibliographic sources and interviews with key informants, plastic artists from Baracoa and directors of the cultural sector. It was determined that the study of plastic production in Baracoa has allowed us to verify that the identity is reflected in the city's image, seen through its traditions, ancestral stories, common roots, daily life styles, motivations, beliefs, values, customs. , and attitudes including the authenticity of the creative act and the possibilities of artistic originality, which allows us to distinguish some relevant features of the cultural identity of Baracoa, all of which has allowed the plastic artists of Baracoa to contribute to the formation of cultural identity in the municipality, and its artistic expression complements the city visuality of symbols that constitute references for individual and group recognition, in addition to acting as a mediator in the creation of a social imaginary produced from the socialization and use of artistic signs, as an expression of identity.


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How to Cite

Londres Ramírez, Y., Navarro Lores, D., & Brown James, A. (2024). Contribution of baracoenses plastic artists in the conformation of cultural identity Baracoa municipality. Observatorio De Las Ciencias Sociales En Iberoamérica, 5(2), 126–137.


