Determining factors for the generation of formal employment in tourism:

an analysis for the Northeast region of Brazil between 2009 and 2019




Formal employment, Employment generation, Tourism, Northeast


The main objective of this article is to analyze the determining factors in the generation of formal employment in the tourism sector in Northeast Brazil, between 2009 and 2019. For this purpose, statistical-descriptive, comparative and econometric methods were used, with the Fixed Effects Model (FE). The results showed the workforce employed in the tourist activity had the lowest average age compared to the other economic sectors in the Northeast, with a value of 35 years at the regional level, as well as the largest share of people employed in teaching complete average, in addition to the low average salary, whose values did not exceed the range of R$ 1,700 in the year 2019. With regard to the determining factors in the creation of new jobs, it was found that only the income variable presented inversely proportional interference, since it was the only one whose variation was negative at -40.16%. Furthermore, GDP per capita had the greatest influence on job creation, with a value of 37.99%, followed by the tourist flow variable and age, with 10.02% and 0.53% respectively. The education factor was with only 0.001%, which despite being a very low value, confirms the established hypothesis. Thus, it is concluded that factors related to tourist demand were the main drivers of growth in the sector's labor market in the Northeast region. However, regarding the qualification of the workforce, it was noticed that despite having a positive impact on the number of employees, they had little influence on this.


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