Knowledge Management and Management by Objectives:
multidimensional model for competitive advantage
Knowledge Management, Management by Objectives, Social Capital, Organizational IntelligenceAbstract
In this study, we propose to develop an integrated theoretical framework that links Knowledge Management (KM) and Management by Objectives (MBO) as complementary levers to catalyze organizational performance and competitive sustainability. We go beyond the fundamental principles of MBO, expanding the relevance of setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals to include a new dimension: 'Cognitive Adaptability'. Additionally, we apply contemporary theories on social capital, organizational intelligence, and organizational ambidexterity to examine how KM can be instrumentalized to enhance the efficacy of MBO. Through a robust conceptual model, it's demonstrated how the strategic convergence of the two approaches can unlock sustainable organizational value, optimize decision-making, and drive innovation.
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