Mwene Vunongue Island:

As a tourist product of sun and family river in the city of Menongue


  • Inóvel Martínez Varela Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.
  • Dolores Genoveva Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.
  • Natália Chitaka Lutukuta Alicerces Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.



Tourist product, island Mwene Vunongue, Menongue


The tourist product in a locality is observed through its natural, historical and cultural attractions, also perceiving the quality of the services, the prices as well as an adequate tourist infrastructure. These aspects determine the tourist's permanence in a destination. Angola as a country has attractions of all kinds and its tourism development plan includes highly developed tourist areas and others pending exploitation. One of the provinces with tourist potential is Cuando Cubango for having several attractions, including natural ones, such as its rivers, which can be a reason for visits by local, national and international citizens. This study supports a research project to develop on the island Mwene Vunongue as a family sun and river tourism product in the city of Menongue to promote the development of both national and international tourism. For this, theoretical and empirical methods were used, including observation and interviews, allowing to characterize the current situation of the island and the need for it to be used for the development of tourism. In the project, four stages were taken into account, with objectives and tasks in each of them, which were: Planning and design, Validation, Implementation and Adjustment and control. As a result, actions are proposed that range from the enjoyment of its landscapes, exchanges of cultural manifestations, recreational activities, gastronomic services, achieving strategic alliances between its actors to implement the offer and provide jobs to professionals in the Culture, Tourism and Environment sector.


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How to Cite

Martínez Varela, I., Sánchez Rodríguez , D. G., & Lutukuta Alicerces, N. C. (2023). Mwene Vunongue Island:: As a tourist product of sun and family river in the city of Menongue. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 5(19), 1–8.


