Medical-social performance of Dr. Antonio Moreno Luna in Holguín (1939-1953)


  • Liliana Romero Pérez Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Susel Abad Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.



Medical-social performance, Dr. Antonio Moreno Luna


This article analyzes the medical and social actions of Dr. Antonio Moreno Luna, who was one of the most important figures in Holguín in the 1940s and 1950s due to his outstanding political participation from the Popular Socialist Party. In this sense, an approach to medicine in the context of the bourgeois Republic, at a national and local level, is carried out at first; to later reveal his career and social and professional actions in medicine, becoming a respected and loved personality by Holguin society. This well-deserved place among his people was the result of years of committed work with the poor and the most needy, as well as his scientific foray into fields such as gastroenterology, infectious diseases and tuberculosis, common ailments of the time that severely affected health.


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Periódico Acueducto. Semanario de lucha por las demandas de Holguín .Enero 1 de 1945. Periquera.

Archivo Histórico Provincial de Holguín. Fondo Antonio Moreno Luna. Caja 1 Expediente 1, 4, 9,13, 22.

Archivo Museo Provincial de Holguín La Periquera (AMPHP). Fondo Antonio Moreno Luna

Entrevista a Mirian Salazar Borjas, paciente del médico Moreno Luna, 3 de marzo de 2020 en la ciudad de Holguín.



How to Cite

Romero Pérez, L., & Abad, S. (2023). Medical-social performance of Dr. Antonio Moreno Luna in Holguín (1939-1953). Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 5(20), 32–42.


