Analysis of agricultural sector as a support to agrotourism for improving the local development


  • Lisbet Eunice Pérez Anzardo Centro Universitario Municipal “Calixto García”, Calixto García, Holguín, Cuba.
  • Francisco Infante Estrabao Centro Universitario Municipal “Calixto García”, Calixto García, Holguín, Cuba.
  • Udelter Hechavarría Laffita Centro Universitario Municipal “Calixto García”, Calixto García, Holguín, Cuba.



socioeconomic vulnerability, agricultural sector, agrotourism, local development


The agricultural and productive impulse in general is an inseparable part of territorial development and therefore of human progress. By the way, the guidelines and the economic and social policy of the party and the revolution, approved in the viii congress of the communist party of Cuba, are strategies proposed to guide the socioeconomic management of the country. Developing tools that make it possible to contribute to this end is a premise at the present time, so the goal of this research was to develop an instrument to assess the socioeconomic vulnerability in the agricultural sector in Calixto García municipality as a support for agrotourism to promote local development, which serves as support to decision-makers to direct actions that promote the reduction of the impact of socioeconomic vulnerability in the organizations of this sector in the territory. To achieve the proposed goal, different theoretical and empirical research methods were applied, as well as techniques and procedures; that allowed to analyze, evaluate and synthesize the existing theory. the elaboration and application of the instrument that covered three stages and seven phases that allow perfecting the process of evaluating socioeconomic vulnerability in the agricultural sector in Calixto García municipality. This research is applicable and generalizable for territory with similar characteristic.


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How to Cite

Pérez Anzardo, L. E., Infante Estrabao, F., & Hechavarría Laffita, U. (2023). Analysis of agricultural sector as a support to agrotourism for improving the local development. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 5(18), 18–32.


