Innovation and productivity in smart supply chains in the post-pandemic


  • Gabriel Adrián Vázquez Valerio Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Cuautitlán Izcalli, México.



Productivity, information technology, supply chains, e-commerce


The post-pandemic trend guides organizations to technological practices that impact the operation of warehouses in supply chain operations of Mexican companies. The increase of electronic commerce in Mexico has demanded innovation in logistics processes of managerial information being the guiding axis of the article, inferring this as a main additive actor in the new business scenarios and the human factor as the main creator of the competitive advantage increasing value to procedures that direct results and strategically lead global economic and global health changes that infer in the productivity of businesses in the digital logistics context. The article uses a qualitative methodology of descriptive cut. A representative sample of Mexican companies designing Likert scale is analyzed. The research variables are examined, determining the objectivity that converges in analyzing managerial information technologies and the impact of microchips on the maximization of operations and concentration of information from supply chains in medium and small companies in Mexico, understanding the importance of management first human and organizational and secondly in logistics and technological management in times of post-pandemic covid-19. The analysis compares the periods 2021 and 2022 of commercial activity in Mexican companies making a projection for 2023 of technological growth that increases productivity by simulating forecasts of e-commerce operations that promote development in supply chains of SMEs in Mexico to achieve results.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Valerio, G. A. (2023). Innovation and productivity in smart supply chains in the post-pandemic. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 5(18), 33–52.


