Computer system for the management of science and technical projects at the University of Holguín




project, management, computer system, documentation, digitization


The Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of the University of Holguín is in charge of carrying out the management of Research, Development and Innovation projects. Currently, this monitoring and control process is of insufficient quality, since the information of each project that is managed is delivered in person and on paper, which hinders the process of information management and timely decision making. Therefore, the development of a computer system to improve the project information management process was proposed. In the development of the research, Extreme Programming (XP) was used as the software development methodology, as well as technologies that facilitate and optimize the construction process. On the client side, the Next.js framework based on React that allows the design of user interfaces was used. On the server side, Django Rest Framework was used for the implementation of the system functionalities and SQLite as the database manager. Together, different theoretical and empirical scientific research methods were used. As a result of this work, a computer system was obtained, which allows the centralization and digitalization of the information related to the existing projects, facilitating its access and easy processing, thus contributing to the delivery of the documentation related to each project in a more efficient way and favors the decision-making process related.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Hernández, D. L., Challenger Pérez, I., & Lamoth Borrero, L. (2024). Computer system for the management of science and technical projects at the University of Holguín. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(21), 17–29.


