Technological tools for effective playful learning in the distance system


  • Rubén Escobedo Cabello Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.



Playful learning, technological tools, distance system


This article talks about the multiple technological tools that exist and that favor playful learning. The choice of the topic is justified because playful learning is a strategy that has been used in the face-to-face system, where there was a personal interaction between the teacher and the student, previously it was considered that the playful form could only be given through the face-to-face modality due to the needs of the type of learning and the technological limitations that were had, but currently and thanks to technological innovation, playful learning has been favored exponentially as there are many technological tools that allow the creation of games that through the evaluation of knowledge makes the way students learn autonomously attractive, allowing them to direct their learning in the distance modality. That is why the concern to investigate arises: What are the results of playful learning in relation to new technological tools?


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How to Cite

Escobedo Cabello, R. (2024). Technological tools for effective playful learning in the distance system. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(22), 12–36.


