Historical reconstruction of community knowledge for the decolonization of the past in the school environment


  • Jorge Luis Cruz Hernández Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México
  • Josefa Bravo Moreno Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México
  • Juan Alberto Alcántara Ramírez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México




community, traditional knowledge, school, history teaching, know


Derived from the current educational policies at the international and national level, above all, from the demands of the 2030 agenda and its concern for sustainable development, and from the Mexican national proposal to promote a school curriculum focused on the recovery of the sense of community and the legitimization of knowledge, the purpose of this paper is to show the possibilities of reconstruction of historical knowledge from community knowledge. Therefore, decolonial thought is linked as an interpretive framework to situate social subjects as makers of their own present/future, and with this, build a proposal for the decolonization of the past. Hence, the present investigation has as its central focus the communities adjacent to the UPN in the north of the state of Mexico, characterized by having the cultural heritage of the original peoples, specifically with the Otomi culture. With this, we try to problematize the practices and cultural knowledge that help to de-colonize the discourse of the legitimate past that is learned in the subject of History. An exploratory qualitative methodology is used whose main techniques were surveys and unstructured interviews to account for the possibilities of reconstructing community historical knowledge. It is concluded that today the knowledge of the native communities is a fundamental contribution to link the current national educational curriculum whose concern is to rebuild community life in favor of the right to human dignity and the balance of nature.


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How to Cite

Cruz Hernández, J. L., Bravo Moreno, J., & Alcántara Ramírez, J. A. (2024). Historical reconstruction of community knowledge for the decolonization of the past in the school environment. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(22), 57–74. https://doi.org/10.51896/rilco.v6i22.513


