The local development of Quindío from its rural context and bioeconomy


  • Henry Reyes Pineda Universidad del Quindío. Facultad de Ciencias Agroindustriales
  • Leidy Carolina Cardona Hernández Universidad del Quindío. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Bellas Artes. Programa Trabajo Social



Bioeconomy, competitiveness, agroindustrial waste, local development


The bioeconomy is defined as that economy that efficiently and sustainably manages biodiversity and biomass to generate new value-added products and processes, based on knowledge and innovation. For this, in the department of Quindío, use has been made of the large amount of agro-industrial waste that is generated daily, since the eminently agricultural character that it has, must be used and be differentiating, since, from biotechnological processes, it is viable to improve the competitiveness of the department and contribute to the added value of waste such as: banana, cocoa, coffee, citrus, avocado, among others, enable technological development. Industrial development has increased a high generation of waste, which leads to high costs of its final disposal. The new, more efficient production processes generate a low impact on the environment, contributing to climate change and global warming. Reducing the exploitation of natural resources taking advantage of waste, must be the priority in these modern times, in such a way that they increase the competitiveness of the department of Quindío. Within the productive chains prioritized by the Department of Quindío, there are: plantain, coffee, avocado, banana, cocoa, citrus, and livestock: poultry, milk and meat, beekeeping, and aquaculture.


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How to Cite

Reyes Pineda, H., & Cardona Hernández, L. C. (2024). The local development of Quindío from its rural context and bioeconomy. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(22), 84–96.


