Design of disaster recovery plan for tourism ticket sales


  • Diana Estefani Segundo Sanchez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Doricela Gutiérrez Cruz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Javier Romero Torres Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.



Recovery, disaster, strategies, objective, affect, restoration


Currently contingencies cannot be predicted since it implies different factors, this implies having a decrease in business sales, in this the design of a disaster recovery plan in the Infrastructure area through the sale of equipment plays an important role. tourist tickets, preparing for possible scenarios. of a different nature, which puts the technological infrastructure at risk and therefore stops its daily activities, the Disaster Recovery Plans are strategies and actions to continue the operation and restore the Information Technology services in a relatively short time. In the design procedure of the disaster recovery plan, have a replica both in the virtual server and in the Web servers, likewise an implementation and a rollback will be carried out to be able to continue with the operation in a matter of seconds, evaluating the impact What This Could Given the loss of time and money that must impact the business, routing of services to applications is essential for sales applications. Ticket sales influence the organization to improve and update the manual, highlighting the design of the disaster recovery plan to keep the operation stable, without data loss and without information leaks. Obtain satisfactory results, being also profitable for the company and satisfactory for the client, verifying the performance for future contingencies, which allows for efficiencies and higher quality.


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How to Cite

Segundo Sanchez, D. E., Gutiérrez Cruz, D., & Romero Torres, J. (2024). Design of disaster recovery plan for tourism ticket sales. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(22), 97–105.


