Influence of educational management on the academic performance of university students: perspectives and challenges


  • Luis Alfredo Gallardo Millán Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra, México
  • Iván Noel Álvarez Sánchez Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



Educational leadership, Academic Performance, Pedagogical innovation


Educational management in universities significantly impacts the academic performance of students. This study is based on organizational and leadership theories, as well as pedagogical approaches focused on active learning and student participation. The methodology includes a review of literature and analysis of cases of institutions with different educational management models. Factors such as institutional leadership, the effectiveness of student support programs, the availability of resources, and organizational culture are investigated. The possible results indicate that effective educational management can improve academic performance by providing a high-quality learning environment, adequate supports and resources necessary for student success. The conclusions highlight that educational management goes beyond traditional administration, addressing pedagogical and socio-emotional aspects. Effective implementation faces challenges such as lack of resources and resistance to change. A comprehensive approach is recommended that promotes collaboration between all educational actors and encourages innovation in management practices. To maximize the effectiveness of educational management, institutional commitment and continuous reflection on educational practices and policies are crucial. It is suggested to invest in the professional development of educational leaders and in the creation of environments that encourage student participation and pedagogical diversity. Furthermore, it is recommended to conduct additional research to delve deeper into the relationship between educational management and student achievement, with the aim of improving the quality of higher education.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Millán, L. A., & Álvarez Sánchez, I. N. (2025). Influence of educational management on the academic performance of university students: perspectives and challenges. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 7(25), 1–8.


