Integration of agricultural, commercial and tourism activities in local development: strategies and perspectives


  • Luis Alfredo Gallardo Millán Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra, México
  • Grecia Rodríguez Rodríguez Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra, México
  • Erik Fernando Carrasco Noriega Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra, México



Local Development, Sector Synergy, Rural Sustainability


This work analyzes the integration of agricultural, commercial and tourism activities to promote local development in rural and peri-urban areas. In the theoretical framework, the importance of taking advantage of local resources and community participation is emphasized. The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The analysis highlights the crucial role of agriculture and livestock in generating employment and food security, underlining the need for sustainable practices and appropriate technologies. Likewise, the commercial sector is highlighted as an economic engine, promoting local entrepreneurship and cooperation between producers and merchants. Tourism is presented as a way for economic diversification and heritage conservation, emphasizing the creation of authentic tourism products and the improvement of services. In conclusion, the importance of a comprehensive and participatory approach in local development is emphasized, taking advantage of the synergy between these sectors to promote economic growth and social well-being. Public policies are proposed that support this integration and encourage community participation in development management.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Millán, L. A., Rodríguez Rodríguez, G., & Carrasco Noriega, E. F. (2025). Integration of agricultural, commercial and tourism activities in local development: strategies and perspectives. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 7(25), 73–79.


