Causal factors of school dropout in higher education students


  • Alejandra Karina Pérez-Jaimes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • César Uziel Estrada-Reyes Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario
  • Kate Paulina Hurtado-Velmar Grupo Colegio Mexiquense



school dropout and higher level


High school dropout is a complex and multi-causal phenomenon, with serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. The objective of the research was to analyze the teaching factors with school dropout in higher education students. The Methodology developed was an analytical, retrospective and cross-sectional study type. 1,119 students enrolled in a resident university in the State of Mexico were selected, categorized into three lines: Health Sciences (nutrition, nursing and psychology), Exact Sciences (accounting, marketing, international business, digital design, architecture, systems and industrial engineering) and Social Sciences (law, political sciences, education, educational sciences, gastronomy and tourism). To analyze the distribution of teaching and school dropout factors, frequencies and percentages were used. Regarding the results, it is observed that 46.5% of the teachers surveyed have a master's degree, while only 10.5% have a doctorate. Regarding teaching experience from 1 to 5 years, as those with more than 10 years, they present the same distribution (38.4%), while those from 6 to 10 years are at 23.2%.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Jaimes, A. K., Estrada-Reyes, C. U., & Hurtado-Velmar, K. P. (2025). Causal factors of school dropout in higher education students. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 7(25), 93–100.


