Socialization through integration between families, schools and communities: challenges in today's Cuban society




Community, Cuba, school, family, socialization


In today's world, research is increasing on the complex process of socialization, the effectiveness of the influences of socializing agents and the challenges that these agents must face, in the macro, meso and micro social conditions in which they operate. Cuba is not immune to all of the above. In this society, socialization is expected to occur according to the established rules and, as a corollary, the comprehensive training of individuals, with behavior in accordance with the values ​​contained in the Cuban social project. In this sense, there are multiple achievements. However, empirical and theoretical evidence points to the existence of situations that imply serious challenges for the action of all socializing agents. In this work, the authors delve into some of the main challenges to the interrelated socializing influences of schools, families and communities, in current Cuban society. The content of the analysis on the topic uses information obtained through different research methods and techniques, such as bibliographic analysis, document review, open interviews, and observation.


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How to Cite

Ricardo Ochoa, E., Sánchez Castro, I., & Abesada Lobaina, I. (2025). Socialization through integration between families, schools and communities: challenges in today’s Cuban society. Revista De Investigación Latinoamericana En Competitividad Organizacional, 6(24), 53–64.


