Sustainable territorial profile studies: theories to identify new labour markets for regional development
sustainable territorial profile, labor markets, regional developmentAbstract
To carry out a sustainable territorial profile study and thus identify new labor markets, it is essential to rely on various economic, social and environmental theories. These theories provide a conceptual and referential framework that helps interpret the data and understand territorial and labor dynamics. Among the main theories were: Location Theory, Spatial Justice Theory, Economic Base Theory, Regional Innovation Systems Theory, Competitive Advantage Theory, Endogenous Development Theory, Creative City Theory, Theory of Clusters, Theory of Urban Economy, Theory of Circular Economy, Theory of Human Capital, Theory of Resources and Capacities, Theory of Social Systems, Theory of Ecological Sustainability, Theory of Socioecological Resilience, Theory of Regional Development , Theories about Industrial Districts and Economic Geography, Theories of Territorial Sustainability. These theories, among others, provide a comprehensive framework for analyzing different aspects of a region and its potential to develop new labor markets. The combination of these approaches allows a more complete and robust evaluation of the territorial profile. The study is descriptive. The method used was qualitative. The technique applied is document analysis since it provides a broad framework for analysis, allowing a deep and comprehensive exploration of textual data. The results of this analysis allow us to theoretically contextualize sustainable territorial profile studies to identify new markets for regional development.
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