Preparation of the technician in warehouse quality management.


  • Francisca Rey Almaguer Empresa de Conservas y Vegetales Turquino, Holguín, Cuba.



quality, warehouses, organizational management


When carrying out an epistemological analysis related to the research, the author pointed out that the evaluation should establish specific goals and objectives in terms of observable behavior. For him, the evaluation should be based on the comparison between the purposes that is, what is intended to be achieved and what is actually achieved. Evaluation can be conceptualized as a dynamic, continuous and systematic process, focused on changes in behaviors and performance, through which we verify the achievements acquired based on the proposed objectives.  Highlights a key element of the current conception of evaluation: not to evaluate for the sake of evaluating, but to improve programs, the organization of tasks and the transfer to a more efficient selection of human capital. The inadequacies in the preparation process of the Warehouse Quality Management Technician are identified as a research problem. The following objective is proposed. Develop a differentiated, measurable job training program for the preparation of the Warehouse Quality Management Technician from the conception of learning by working and working by learning.


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How to Cite

Rey Almaguer, F. (2023). Preparation of the technician in warehouse quality management. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(42), 8–16.


