Multiplier effect of tourism in the Manabita community and in the national economy.
Tourism strategy, local and national economyAbstract
Economic development in Ecuador is based on the export of primary products from the oil industry, on the one hand, with little weight in the production of derivatives and on the other hand, non-oil international trade is manifested with exports of bananas, tuna, sardines, shrimp, flowers and pitahaya among others. These land and sea products are mainly destined for the United States and Eurasia. As can be seen, the tertiary sector is very poor within the business fabric dedicated to raising foreign currency. The objective of this work is to reflect on the multiplier effect of tourism in the Manabi community and in the national economy as a necessary element to achieve a sustainable economy focused on tourism development. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative-quantitative research is carried out with documentary analysis and field actions that allow identifying the main lines aimed at developing Ecuador as an international tourist destination, establishing guidelines to promote the transformation of the productive matrix, and focus its ventures on development of sustainable tourism based on its great attractions as a small biodiverse country, which can offer exclusive services, not only in the paradise of the Galapagos Islands, but also with the development of integrated tourism with the exploitation of city tourism modalities, nature tourism, sun and beach tourism and health tourism, among others, that generate employment based on the multiplier effect of the smokeless factory on the rest of the local and national economy.
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