The importance of technological training for teaching activity when face-to-face is not possible


  • Enoc Gutiérrez Pallares Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Jenny Álvarez Botello Unidad Académica Profesional Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado de México.
  • Mauricio José Hernández Sartí Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.



Digital skills, ICT, educational models, pedagogy, discipline


The digital competencies in teachers and the development before the presence of the pandemic showed an area of opportunity making clear the work that should be done in the subject of training with ICT linking the aspects of the pedagogical-disciplinary binomial with the technological one. The present work shows through a survey conducted to higher level teachers the areas of opportunity before, during and after the pandemic for the use of technological resources and the elements that must be addressed in the path of teaching technology. Through the instrument applied to 50 teachers at the higher level and a statistical-descriptive and correlational methodology, an analysis of the variables with the impact factors that motivate, incentivize and show areas of immediate attention in teachers in relation to digital competencies is carried out. The results show that the training policies in the higher-level teaching staff must link the disciplinary and pedagogical aspects mediated by technology, without pressure on the teacher to learn and with adequate motivation factors, it is the one who carries out the work of daily performance; recommendations of the study of the lines of investigation and attention derived from the present study are left.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Pallares, E., Álvarez Botello, J., & Hernández Sartí, M. J. (2023). The importance of technological training for teaching activity when face-to-face is not possible. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(50), 1–10.


