The family background and entrepreneurship traits of university students
Entrepreneur, students, entrepreneurship, IES, innovationAbstract
Education is a variable of great influence on entrepreneurial behavior among university students, why higher education institutions (HEIs), for several decades, have been concerned with fostering a business mentality in all their graduates, linking in its mission the theme of entrepreneurship. In this context, this research aims to determine the entrepreneurial traits of the students of the Autonomous University of Carmen based on their family background. For this, a sample of 299 students was considered, enrolled in the period January to June 2022, with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5.5%. This research was developed under a quantitative approach with a descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional scope. Data collection was carried out through a self-administered online survey, with a reliability of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.98, which included 56 items that were assessed by means of a Likert scale from 1 to 5 (nothing to totally agree). the dimensions of entrepreneurship: knowledge about its processes, business environment, recognition of the entrepreneurial figure, preference, entrepreneurial skills and infrastructure they have. Regarding the results, 45.8% of the students indicated that they had an entrepreneurial family; likewise, this group was the one that obtained the highest values in all dimensions of entrepreneurship. The results allow us to conclude that the presence of family entrepreneurs has a positive influence on the decision to create a company.
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