Financial planning in a commercial automotive spare parts microenterprise in the municipality of Guasave
Financial planning, microenterprise, financial toolsAbstract
Financial planning is a very important element within strategic planning, which allows the company to have a course of action and to achieve the desired objectives. Currently, it is necessary for the stability and growth of companies, to identify their opportunities to strengthen the financial area and achieve the established goals. The present research work is developed in a commercial company of automotive parts in the municipality of Guasave, where different elements of financial planning in companies are addressed from the perspective of researchers specialized in the subject. Through this research, it is intended to evaluate the way in which a small company carries out financial management and, derived from it, design efficient financial planning strategies that allow it to be consolidated. The methodology used has a mixed approach, an exploratory descriptive type through a case study, which allowed knowing the efficiency of the financial planning process in the commercial company to be able to suggest strategies that allow improving the efficiency of financial planning.
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