Linking with Society in the management of educational communication in postgraduate studies


  • Yudith Pupo Pupo Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.
  • Grey Zita Zambrano Intriago Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador.
  • Oneida Sanz Martínez Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador.



Bonding, educational communication, postgraduate


Linking with Society is a very important component in postgraduate studies, especially when it comes to the management of educational communication, the study of which is of great value for the pedagogical process in schools. From this perspective, the objective of this paper is: to analyze the Linkage with Society component in the management of educational communication in schools in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. It is based on the experiences acquired in the development of this component, in the module: The Management of educational communication in the mission of school institutions, of the Master's Degree in Education, with a mention in Educational Communication, at the Technical University of Manabí. The research was carried out in four rural institutions on the Ecuadorian coast, in the Manabí province, selected intentionally. The following research methods were used: observation, interview and survey, whose application made it possible to determine problems related to the management of educational communication, whose solution will be part of the degree work of future masters. In addition, it was possible to contribute to the development of communicative and investigative skills, to the unity of the members of the cohort and to the exchange of knowledge. All this reveals the importance of Linking with Society in postgraduate studies.


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How to Cite

Pupo Pupo, Y., Zambrano Intriago , G. Z., & Sanz Martínez, O. (2023). Linking with Society in the management of educational communication in postgraduate studies. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(45), 102–109.


