Didactic development for Big Data analysis in an educational context
Industry 4.0, Big Data, teaching-learning, technological tolosAbstract
The radical transformation that society is experiencing through the arrival of industry 4.0 is evident, given that continuous improvement of processes is sought through digitization and analysis of large amounts of data. The purpose of this research project is to design a didactic instrument for the teaching-learning of educational institutions, as well as organizations that want to join the world of Big Data, for the development of the project the didactic methodology that consists of 3 phases was applied. ; active, design and closure, which allows the execution of various measurement instruments such as questionnaires, focus groups and the application of tests, in order to achieve the terminal efficiency of the project. The R&D (research and development) research process was also applied for the use of technological tools such as the free distribution of Anaconda, Python, R, Jupyter, among others. With the implementation of the project, it is intended to incorporate a guided instrument for practical support in the inclusion of Big Data.
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