Factors associated with the assessment of human suffering
Prehospital care case
Prehospital care, human suffering, deprivation costAbstract
According with the NOM-034 which regulates the health services of medical attention, defines how prehospital attention (APH) the one that is offered to a citizen which clinical condition it’s considered that put their life in danger, an organ or its function, those services provide an organic-functional stabilization and in this way, limit the damage, first aid until deliver the patient to a medical unit who attends their suffering. The same norm indicates that the prehospital medical attention has to be on time, effective and efficient. This attention has to be punctual, because how the who indicates, in many cases, the quick attention in an emergency and the move of the victims with injuries from the incident’s place to a medical attention center can save lives, reduce the incidence of a disable in short term and notably improve the consequences in a long term. When the attention is not offered in a precise way, the patient is gonna face a serie of physical pains and emotional stress which is goings to synthetized as human suffer, this one will be the result of deprive the service of medical attention on the time that is considered vital to limit the damage and have more probabilities of survive with minor risk of sequels. The human suffer is an element little contemplated in the management of the primary medical attention and this can means a significant loss of trust on the health sector. In the area of humanitarian logistics, has been development that search to quantify the deprivation cost, defined as the economic value of the human suffer that the individuals perceive when they face the lack of a good service. With help of a survey, this work analyzed previous experiences where the surveyed hired an ambulance service, this test make notorious that even with the effort of the health sector of improve the attention’s response it stills being deficient, also facilitated the identification of factor that helps to evaluate the quality of response in the service of APH, all of this which is an initial phase to quantify the primary deprive attention cost it was made with the end of support that contemplation of human suffer is an indispensable element for the management of APH.
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