Flipped Classroom: a proposal to promote meaningful learning in Science and Technology
Flipped Classroom, learning, pedagogical managementAbstract
This work initially addresses an international and national panorama that surrounds the context of current education. It then presents a contextualization and a diagnosis, which allowed to project the educational reality of the teaching-learning process in the subject of Science and Technology. Biology, with a public high school group from the State of Mexico, through the methodology of action research and a cross-sectional study. The problem detected refers to the lack of pedagogical management by the tenured teacher. In this context, a didactic pedagogical proposal was designed and implemented, whose general objective was adapt the Flipped Classroom model, through planning that contemplates didactic situations to promote meaningful learning. Among the most relevant conclusions about the results obtained, reference is made to the Flipped Classroom model being efficient as long as certain conditions exist, among which stand out: the disposition of those involved, connectivity and not least, effective communication. These three elements must coexist among the educational actors involved: teachers, students and parents. Finally, the proposal contributed to the solution of the difficulties mentioned in the approach to the problem, it was possible to enhance the pedagogical management of the titular teacher, modifying their educational praxis through the change in the work dynamics of the classes. This allowed the overall objective of the proposal to be achieved by favoring meaningful learning.
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