Willingness to pay for innovation projects in livestock farming in the southwest of Holguin


  • Yuri Freddy Peña-Rueda Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias “Jorge Dimitrov”, Cuba
  • Nelvis Alipio Almaguer-Pérez Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.
  • Islán Torres-Pupo Unidad de Extensión, Investigación y Capacitación Agropecuaria de Holguín, Cuba




preferences, willingness to participate, ecosystem management, sustainable agriculture, livestock production


To analyze the willingness to pay for innovation projects in livestock farming in the southwest of Holguín, three attributes of a technical-environmental nature and one related to the innovation system were defined, each with three levels in increasing order of improvement, as well as one attribute quantitative analysis of four progressive levels for the costs of the alternatives, which formed two generic alternatives. Discrete choice experiment of incomplete factorial design with orthogonal arrangement was carried out to estimate the main effects, of 48 combinations, with 52 sample units. The effects were evaluated using a logistic model. The Marginal Substitution Ratio, the Implicit Price and the Compensatory Surplus were determined. Of the valid observations, 97.6% promote local livestock innovation. The adjustment of the model was highly significant and within it the cost per hectare. The global analysis of the scenarios was statistically significant for both modes of action and the compensatory surplus shows greater advantages for the set of moderately innovative practices, which do not involve all the improvements that could contribute to the reduction of degradation, and which are oriented towards the dual-purpose systems. There is a willingness to pay for dual-purpose production systems, with the use of trees, seasonal farm management and through an innovation project. Dual-purpose systems, as well as rearing and fattening, are economically viable. It is necessary to institutionalize the innovation system if sustainability is desired to carry out research-action projects in the southwest of Holguín.


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How to Cite

Peña-Rueda, Y. F., Almaguer-Pérez, N. A., & Torres-Pupo, I. (2023). Willingness to pay for innovation projects in livestock farming in the southwest of Holguin. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(46), 168–179. https://doi.org/10.51896/rilcods.v5i46.261


