Work measurment studies in the town of Holguin and its influence on the local development on the territory




productivity, work organization, local development, time study, working hours


The present investigation constitutes a sample of the advances that have been achieved in terms of the science-business link, where the university works to respond to the needs of the territory, strengthening the dialogues on both sides. The work was carried out at an Ice Cream Plant, belonging to the province of Holguín, Cuba. In it, daily production levels have been reduced in the last quarter of 2020, presenting greater difficulties in the production area. For the development of the same, the sampling of instantaneous observations, timing, individual photography, the interview and the MedTrab software were used as techniques and tools. In addition, as a methodology, the general method of problem solving. As a result of the diagnosis, it was obtained that in the production area the use of the working day is 83.75%, being unfavorable for the production process, where the packaging process has a greater influence, presenting the main difficulties. In this process it was found that the performance standard had not been defined and multiple losses of time were manifested. For these reasons, based on the study, the performance standard for the packing worker was determined, being 3,245 pots of 450 ml per day, solutions were proposed and actions aimed at improving the current situation in the area under study were projected.


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How to Cite

Mendoza López, R. A., Parra Torres , R. S., & Ramírez Macías, Y. (2023). Work measurment studies in the town of Holguin and its influence on the local development on the territory. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(47), 93–104.


