Procedure to improve tourist accessibility in hotels

Design and validation using the Delphi Method




procedure, expert criteria, tourism accessibility, international standard


Recent studies show the increasing participation of people with disabilities in tourism activities, which is why international organizations are expressing the need to apply international standards to ensure that all tourists have the same access conditions regardless of their travel destination. From a methodological point of view, there is a lack of research from the point of view of applying international standards, making it difficult to provide a quality service to this segment. Therefore, a quali-quantitative and methodological research was carried out with the objective of designing and validating a procedure for the improvement of tourist accessibility in hotels by applying the first international standard for accessible tourism ISO 21902:2021, through a method of expert criteria, such as the Delphi Method. The design of the procedure was oriented to the diagnosis of tourism accessibility in hotels for people with disabilities and special needs. For the validation, a panel of 12 experts with high and medium level of competence that grouped knowledge on accessibility, people with disabilities or management of smart destinations were considered. The results show that the procedure consisting of five stages and 12 steps is valid and reliable as a methodological tool to promote tourism accessibility in hotels and their environment through improvement actions, with the application of ISO 21902:2021, but with a higher level of soundness in the Cuban context.


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How to Cite

Vega Cisneros, D., & Cisneros Arias, Y. (2023). Procedure to improve tourist accessibility in hotels: Design and validation using the Delphi Method. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(48), 13–27.


