Procura's strategic planning.

Necessary updating to adapt to the market environment.




Cooperative, Management, Market, strategic planning, Social values


New economic actors, as part of the updating of the Cuban economic model, must insert themselves into the market in conditions where state entities have social recognition in each of the sectors. Accounting services cooperatives, in operation since 2014, need to make their way in an environment dominated by the country's consulting firms. Among these, the cooperative Procura of Villa Clara province designed its strategic plan in 2019 for a period of 3 years so research aims to update its strategic plan to improve its performance and through the study of the environment obtain higher levels of efficiency, productivity and profits. Existing values and values to be shared are identified and, based on the proposed mission, hierarchical values are established. According to the requirements of the current market, the mission, vision and the main internal and external factors that influence the cooperative are defined. The strategic diagnosis is supported by the Matrix for the evaluation of strategic factors. Mic Mac and SPSS software are used to process the information. An action plan is proposed that will make it possible to implement the proposed strategies.


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How to Cite

Torres , Y. R. (2023). Procura’s strategic planning. : Necessary updating to adapt to the market environment. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(49), 1–11.


