The marketing strategy as a tool for sustainable competitive advantage


  • Yaimary Rojas Leyva Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.
  • Lidia María Pérez Vallejo Universidad de Holguín, Cuba.



marketing strategy, sustainable competitive advantage


Organizations currently operate in a very complex, dynamic and highly competitive environment; This situation requires them to have the ability to formulate strategies whose implementation allows them to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, being marketing strategies considered as an important type of these strategies. The general objective of this research is to develop a procedure for the formulation of a marketing strategy that facilitates the development of a sustainable competitive advantage. To achieve the proposed objective, analysis and synthesis were used as theoretical research methods to establish trends and shortcomings in the object of study and the field of action; the inductive-deductive to make judgments about the reviewed literature and the historical-logical for the evolution of the object of study and the field of action. The main results focused on the design and application of a marketing strategy to the Emprestur Holguín Branch to make a difference among its competitors that allowed documenting customer-focused processes that facilitate sustainable competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

Rojas Leyva, Y., & Pérez Vallejo, L. M. (2023). The marketing strategy as a tool for sustainable competitive advantage. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 5(50), 87–104.


