Implementation of sustainability in tourist destinations with an intelligent approach: necessary practice for Cuban destinations


  • Lianet Aguilera Ávila Universidad de Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Cuba
  • Amanda Katherin Ramírez Cruz Universidad de Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Cuba
  • Justa Ramona Medina Labrada Universidad de Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya, Cuba



Sustainability, Sustainable tourism, Smart tourism destinations, Tourist destinations, Destination management, tourism


The interest in tourism to increase economic benefits at any cost, has caused for years a negative impact on natural environments, cities and their anthropology. Numerous investigations have referred to the need to achieve a practical implementation of sustainability in tourism to mitigate these damages, and although there are models and methodologies in the literature that theoretically present how to achieve it, it is in the precepts of the Intelligent Tourism Destinations (ITD) where a greater approach and development of sustainability with an innovative approach is achieved. Cuban tourist destinations, especially Guardalavaca, located in the eastern part of the island, is an example of the relevance of this problem. The objective of this study is to achieve an approach to the existing scientific production on sustainability in tourism, with emphasis on the need for a real implementation, as well as the analysis of the precepts of the STD aligned to tourism sustainability. Finally, a diagnosis carried out in the year 2022 at the Guardalavaca Pole is presented, which evaluates the state of this construct in practice. The information was obtained through documentary review, bibliometric studies, a search was made in the Scopus Database, and tools such as Ednote X19, Microsoft Office Excel 2019, BibExcel and VosViewer were used for data processing. The results show that the need for practical implementation of tourism sustainability is explicit in the literature and that the DTI model offers an approach to sustainability that positively impacts its scope.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Ávila, L., Ramírez Cruz, A. K., & Medina Labrada, J. R. (2024). Implementation of sustainability in tourist destinations with an intelligent approach: necessary practice for Cuban destinations. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(51), 89–105.


