The impact of technological innovation on local entrepreneurship in Cabo de Santo Agostinho


  • Marcelo Maia Rêgo Toscano Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas do Cabo de Santo Agostinho (FACHUCA)



technological innovation, local entrepreneurship


This article aims to analyze the impact of technological innovation on local entrepreneurship in Cabo de Santo Agostinho. Technological advancement has played a significant role in business development and strengthening local economies worldwide. In this context, this study seeks to investigate how technological innovation has influenced entrepreneurship in the Cabo de Santo Agostinho region, located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The main sectors affected, local initiatives, and the consequences for the region's economic and social development will be examined.


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How to Cite

Rêgo Toscano, M. M. (2024). The impact of technological innovation on local entrepreneurship in Cabo de Santo Agostinho. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(52), 81–92.


