The BMI (Business Management Innovation) and formative research in the public accounting program


  • Luz Marina Uribe Delgado Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander, Colombia
  • Patricia Méndez Suárez Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander, Colombia
  • Jhon Jaime Acevedo Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander, Colombia



Formative investigation, BMI, business development, teaching strategies - learning, teaching


Following the Pedagogical Model of Unidades Tecnólogicas de Santander - (UTS Board of Directors, 2020), it proposes collaborative learning as a didactic strategy, where teaching-learning strategies are interrelated, and students are empowered to express freely their ideas, and thoughts and recognize the other as equals;  and to the teacher to propose teaching strategies according to the institutional approaches, selecting problems to solve in the business context, allowing the student to suggest possible solutions. Based on the above, it is supposed to argue through a documental analysis of the importance of Business Management Innovations (BMI), as a strategy that favors formative research in students and teachers, within the framework of classrooms in the Public Accounting program articulated by cycles. propaedeutics with the Technology program in Accounting Information Management of the; For this, the BMI carried out in the last 5 years was analyzed, which impacted approximately 310 service companies, 256 commercial companies, and 168 manufacturing companies, which were implemented by teachers in different courses of the curriculum, to determine how the BMI contributes to research training on students and teachers, allowing business development in the region based on the axes of accounting, financial, regulatory and organizational training. The foregoing made this easier the evidence of the materialization of the institutional proposal concerning teaching-learning strategies; the implementation of students in solving problems in the productive sector, and the articulation between teaching and research in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Uribe Delgado, L. M., Méndez Suárez, P., & Jaime Acevedo, J. (2024). The BMI (Business Management Innovation) and formative research in the public accounting program. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(52), 109–120.


