Legal framework and corruption, its effect on the entrepreneurial intention of professors and students of a University Center in the South of the State of Mexico.


  • Marcela Jaramillo Jaramillo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Patricia García Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Manuel Antonio Pérez Chávez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.



business legal framework, corruption, systemic conditions, university entrepreneursh


According to Arreola (2014), Mexico is the second-best country in Latin America to undertake, since it has policies, regulations, demand conditions and social capital, in accordance with those stipulated in the index of systemic conditions for entrepreneurship. According to this tool, both the existence of a legal framework and the presence of corruption are factors that have great influence on the decision to undertake, since it can constitute a limitation or advantage for the development of business activity. For this reason, the present work aims to determine the incidence of these factors in the entrepreneurial intention of professors and students at a University Center in the South of the State of Mexico. To carry out the work, information will be collected from a sample of 54 professors and 900 students from the University Center. A descriptive statistical analysis will be carried out with the crosstab technique that will reflect the relationship between the intention to undertake and the components of the legal framework and corruption. In addition, the binary logistic regression tool will be applied to determine the significant influence of these factors with respect to the main variable intention to undertake. These factors are expected to have a significant influence on the intention to undertake.


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Jaramillo, M., García Hernández , P., & Pérez Chávez, M. A. (2024). Legal framework and corruption, its effect on the entrepreneurial intention of professors and students of a University Center in the South of the State of Mexico. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(53), 104–121.


