The basic norms and fundamental principles of protection in Humanitarian Law


  • Sandra Chávez Marín Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
  • Yoab Osiris Ramírez Prado Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.



Humanitarian law, armed conflicts, regulations, law of war, vulnerable people


Historically, the States to obtain power, territory, economic and material resources have used armed conflicts to seek to obtain a benefit from them, over the years and after the atrocities committed in each of them, they have sought to establish the prohibition and inhibition of wars as a means of dispute resolution in international relations. Thus, since the Charter of the United Nations, resorting to the threat or use of force against other States as a means of resolving their private disputes has been declared illegal. However, in order to be able to establish this prohibition, international instruments had to be created through the will of the States to humanize the war, and this is how the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols were born. From the humanist point of view of war, it was necessary to have international norms that would limit and reduce the effects of war on people and property, in addition to protecting some especially vulnerable groups of people, for which Humanitarian Law was in charge. As far as this research is concerned, it seeks to establish and specify the norms, sources and principles that are part of Humanitarian Law, which establish the rules in armed conflicts.


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How to Cite

Chávez Marín, S., & Ramírez Prado, Y. O. (2024). The basic norms and fundamental principles of protection in Humanitarian Law. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(54), 74–86.


