Challenges for new teachers in education


  • Juan Daniel Bernabé Agustín Instituto de Estudios Superiores ISIMA
  • Julio Álvarez Botello Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Eva Martha Chaparro Salinas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Challenges, skills, quality, analysis, quantitative, descriptive


In the first years at the service of teaching, teachers face some educational, cultural, pedagogical, sports, artistic and/or administrative difficulties within the institutions where they work because in the teacher training institution these contents were not addressed within the curriculum, therefore, when entering the world to work, some skills and/or competencies could not be developed, for this reason, an analysis is given of those challenges that teachers commonly face within their classrooms and institution with the intention of knowing the work within the educational system and be prepared to develop those skills with the intention of offering a quality education and fulfilling the mission and vision of the school. For this, a quantitative investigation with a descriptive cut was carried out, in the same way the applied instrument was validated in the SPSS system and the correlation between the problems faced by new teachers and those with more experience, as well as the relationship between variables to substantiate the job description.


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How to Cite

Bernabé Agustín, J. D., Álvarez Botello, J., & Chaparro Salinas, E. M. (2024). Challenges for new teachers in education. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(56), 19–28.


