Management of scientific journals. Techniques and tools for its approach from an engineering perspective


  • Eduardo López Hung Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba
  • Yosvani Orlando Lao León Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Carlos Rafael Batista Matamoros Universidad de Holguín, Cuba



scientific journals, journal management, organizational management, engineering perspective, factor analysis


The analysis of the scientific literature related to scientific journals shows the main technological, social, political or economic disruptive elements that have marked their research in the last few years. The scope and level of the integration of these studies are valid and relevant from the point of view of information sciences in general, and scientific publishing in particular. However, there is evidence of shortcomings and deficiencies in this kind of organization that should be addressed from the perspective of organizational management, specifically from an engineering perspective. Therefore, this contribution argues the need to undertake the management of scientific journals from an engineering perspective, in order to reveal the relevance of its tools and techniques. It was used as theoretical methods the analysis and synthesis, the hermeneutic–dialectic, the holistic–dialectic, and the inductive–deductive; and as empirical method, the documentary review. Factor analysis was used to find homogeneous groups of those techniques and tools. It was possible to argue that the management of scientific journals constitutes an object of study that can be approached from an engineering perspective, as its tools and techniques can be adapted, in the search for a balance between operational and strategic decisions, which contribute to the solution of the insufficiencies of which these organizations are currently bearers.


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How to Cite

López Hung, E., Lao León, Y. O., & Batista Matamoros, C. R. (2024). Management of scientific journals. Techniques and tools for its approach from an engineering perspective. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(56), 37–49.


