Environmental practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in family businesses in the province of El Oro. Case study BANARAF S.A.





Corporate Social Responsibility, family business, environmental practices, sustainability


Currently, companies have seen the need to be socially responsible by adopting different initiatives, complying with codes and standards to promote more ethical behavior, respectful of the community and the environment, and contributing to sustainability. This research report is part of the results and activities developed within the research project of the Business Administration career, of the Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala, and has a double purpose. On the one hand, from the theoretical point of view, the aim is to review and identify the key aspects of Social Responsibility practices, especially in family-owned companies. On the other hand, from the empirical point of view, it is intended to obtain information that allows us to conclude with the identification of the main aspects that corporate social responsibility contemplates from the social, human, economic and environmental dimensions and the benefits that the company has obtained. familiar. For the development of this research, qualitative research has been used using a discussion group as a data collection technique to finally conclude that Corporate Social Responsibility practices are important in family businesses because they help preserve the family legacy, improve the image and reputation, and contribute to long-term sustainability. By adopting a responsible perspective, family businesses can generate both economic and social benefits, and make a difference in their environment.


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How to Cite

Vizueta Matamoros, G. K., Pérez Espinoza, M. J., & Espinoza Carrión, C. del R. (2024). Environmental practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in family businesses in the province of El Oro. Case study BANARAF S.A. Desarrollo Sustentable, Negocios, Emprendimiento Y Educación, 6(56), 76–90. https://doi.org/10.51896/rilcods.v6i56.566


